Synopsis Draft 1 (Cheryl, Christine, Tricia & Swathi)
1. Introduction This report discusses the average service standards in Singapore’s spa industry and how the Singapore’s spa service standards lag behind when compared to the amicable service standards in Thailand, also known as Asia’s most hospital country ( incite ). The team would explore the service gaps in Singapore Spas through a case study on Banyan Tree Spa. Through his case study, the team aims to incorporate an ideal framework on personalized services in Singapore Spa operations and ultimately enhance its service standards. Personalized services include a high touch, low tech element which focuses on service excellence greatly. 1.1 Workplace Context (Spa industry background) According to Global Wellness Economy Monitor, the wellness industry has grown by 12.8% in the past two years from a $3.7 trillion market in 2015 to $4.2 trillion in 2017 ( Global Wellness Institute, 2018 ). Similarly, the spa industry in ...